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Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 7:25 am: | |
Ebay Item #170124479679 |
Chazmo Username: Chazmo
Registered: 3-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 8:17 am: | |
momsozarktreasure has a lot to learn about pricing an item. It appears that's a new person to eBay. |
Username: Tbplayer
Registered: 4-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 9:13 am: | |
well, you know, we had a challenger go for 2k and at least 2 destroyers clear about 2500. who knows? but the person who would pay that, probably can't play it. it's an investment. |
Username: Davehowardcustom
Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 10:30 am: | |
Man, this is just getting OUTRAGEOUS! The "One percenters" are hoarding & making it totally impossible for real musicians, hobbyists, and true lovers of these guitars to own them anymore. It's kinda sad, really. If you think about it, alot of us guys who owned & played these guitars back in the 70's & 80's loved them then because they were the most bang we could afford for our buck. When I started my first garage band in '78, I had a brand spanking new $350 Scruggs, a Roadstar & an ST-50. Over the years, I owned some incredible Ibanez guitars. Because we were struggling musicians, they filled the bill. Now, "collectors & rich Dudes" (alot of whom have never even played a live gig, or recorded) spend tons of money for these great guitars, and stash them under their beds, as investments. I'm 45 years old now, and still get the ultimate rush from walking into a local club & pouring my soul out on stage. I also now have a much greater appreciation for guitars like my old flamey DT400, my AR500, the Scruggs, that old Purpleburst Roadstar (ALL HAVE BEEN GONE FOR YEARS)...... and would love to have a rack of vintage Ibanez guitars to play again. It's just too bad that "the market" has forgotten what these guitars were designed, built, and marketed for: working class musicians who just wanted a decent guitar to express themselves through, without having to mortgage the house to pay for it. Sorry for the rant. I'm just jealous, DHC |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 11:29 am: | |
DHC... it works both ways. There are (probably) guys on this site that own and have owned these guitars for many years that are thrilled that they are commanding the dollars they are. Still, what you said was right on the money. Keep this in mind, it's very noticeable that for the most part it's ICW members who did this (skyrocketing costs.) We ourselves fight each other tooth and nail for them. Nature of the beast. You're banging your head against a brick wall. I fit into the "biggest bang for the bucks, playing them since the 70's category" myself, so... I feel for ya dude. But... it's whole new ball of wax now. To get a good deal on a nice old Ibanez, you have to be very diligent and VERY QUIET! Two nice oldies just sold on ebay at relatively cheap prices. neither of those 2 axes were "spotlighted" here on ICW. I cannot believe that is a coincidence. we're mad at ourselves. I am mad at myself! I assure you of this though, if you keep your eyes open, there's still a few deals to be had that are worth it. Look further into the future and see that the ar500 you pay $2000 for today will fetch you $4000 in the future. It sucks though when you just really want to own and play them and not just flip them. |
Username: Dave_g
Registered: 1-2002
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 3:00 pm: | |
DHC.....You have it completely wrong.....What "Collectors and Rich dudes" "one percenters" are you talking about ? The market for Vintage Ibanez guitars is not as large as you think. Compared to Gibson and Fender, its probably like less than 2%. The majority of the serious collectors (myself included) are members of this forum and are active in both promoting the brand, playing live and supporting the community, while others spend their time trying to make a fast buck off of the members of this forum and others interested in this brand by stripping vintage instruments and selling parts, putting up obvious garbage "lawsuit" auctions and ...well real creative bullsh** auctions like the one you were involved in a couple of weeks ago.... While your statements are full of self rightous ranting-they also reek of bullsh**, take a real close look at who you and what are ranting about..... |
Username: Davehowardcustom
Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 4:16 pm: | |
hey G: Don't take it personal, Pal. Sorry if I offended anyone here or anywhere else. I have no grudge against people who have money. And I understand that the buck rules & drives the market. I think you missed my point, (or maybe I stated my emotions wrongly). I guess It's that I personally love these guitars, kick myself in the arss for letting them go in bad times, and they mean more to me than a trophy, wall hanging or a quick buck. I hate nobody and have lived my whole life for music, performing, and tinkering with guitars. I've built a custom guitar for Sammy Hagar, and then turned around and GAVE a really sweet Fender Strat to my wife's ex-husband just because he needed an axe & was down on his luck. I've always loved music & musicians more than money, (call it self rightous ). I really do get a nut, watching these old $350 "Jap Crap" copies (as they used to be called) going for thousands of dollars. I think it's amazing & really cool that people are finally figuring out what great guitars they were, and still are. But yeah, I guess I'm just whining in public here (not very becoming of me). My heart says that it would be much more meaningful for players out there to discover these great guitars & become believers, than it become a "fad," or a business thing to buy & sell these for astronomical profits. It almost is Sacrilegious, if you think about it. That's not what Ibanez was ever about. When I bought that Scruggs in '78 for $350, I had no idea what it was, but I knew it was one of a guitar for the money. I would've never been able to afford a Gibson Les Paul back then.... but hey, I had something BETTER for pennies on the Gibson dollar! That's what Ibanez was about, and that's what made them grow into one of the most respected guitar co's today. Nastalgia man..... You either feel it, or you don't. best wishes  |
Username: Cleversj
Registered: 11-2006
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 4:48 pm: | |
Gentlemen, While we become upset about the prices that we have to pay for the items we treasure, please don't lose sight of the fact that international monitary effects contribute to higher costs. The rich and faamous will always be the rich and famous and able to flaunt large dollars at nebuluous entities only to suit their whims. I would suggest to the members of this forum to keep the "cream" in the forum. Certainly, I could sell my collection at todays price and make a huge windfall, but I choose not to. I am appalled at the current price surge, but taking things into prospective, look at the price of gasoline. Look at the price of all durable goods. It has occurred to me the only deal in the market is luggage and then you can't get what you really need! |
Username: Dave_g
Registered: 1-2002
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 7:02 pm: | |
Sure.......... take a shot at the luggage guy ! |
Username: Chucke99
Registered: 2-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 7:12 pm: | |
I sent the person a note telling her that her starting price was way too high. She replied that a guy at a music store had told her it was worth $8,000. I told her it would probably sell it for about $2,500. |
Username: Dave_g
Registered: 1-2002
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 7:21 pm: | |
DHG...You fail to make your point. Yea I get it that you like Ibanez guitars and all..believe it or not , your not alone in your appreciation for the quality and value that these fine instruments represent. The fact that you can no longer buy one for $350 is really not suprising for anyone on this forum. The fact is that prices are relative. Have you seen the crap that the american companies are shoving into the market ? Can you really rationalize paying $7,000-$8,000 for a NEW Les PAUL just because its a VOS copy of a '50's model ? Buy into that marketing strategy and the $500 pc of "Jap Crap" is still the same value that it was 30 years ago. Now Ibanez as a Vintage brand has seen some pricing inflation that is ahead of expectation, but thats driven by the market and my contention is that the market is , in a large way, THIS FORUM. Whenever a particular guitar is talked about and researched we see a boost in the number of that particular model offered on Fleabay and a corresponding boost in the final price. Your contention that there is a group of "investors" hordeing these guitars to make a buck is just your opinion, without any real substance. I think even you will agree that ,many times the "big buck" purchases of the most collectable guitars are purchased by members of this forum, not "investors" Sure it would be great to go back to the days of getting a Ibanez clone for $50 at the local pawn shop, but those days are over... So instead of being Nostalgic, look at some of the sister companies for your Vintage Jones. Electra guitars of the late 70's and early 80's are all the build of Ibanez at its peak and with much lower production numbers. You can score a Killer LP copy (mohagany body w 3/4 sick flamed maple top, smooth heel, Brass bridge & Nut, Killer PAF clone pups (super maganflux),Gotoh tuners, rock maple laminated neck) for under $400 with case ! These values are still there for the beginning musician... even a 12 year old can aquire a decent harem now a days using EBAy, its just not going to be with Ibanez. Even with that being said, many of the newest offerings from Ibanez are very, very nice guitars for the $.....keeping Ibanez as the Value Leader in the market |
Chazmo Username: Chazmo
Registered: 3-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 9:07 pm: | |
It's time for you electric guitar junkies to start collecting MIJ Ibanez acoustics. ;-) I still can't believe the bang for the buck on these things. I've watched a bunch of '70s Concords and various '80s Artwoods, Maples, Vintage among others go for under $500 recently. Major league undervalued, folks. It's true, the Ibanez electrics have climbed a lot recently, but they're nowhere near the prohibitive $$$ like the Gibsons, Fenders, etc. So, I can't really get worked up over this. It seems to me there's still tremendous opportunity to collect. |
Username: Ibanezkid
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 9:15 pm: | |
Dave_g, my guitars were all scored for under $400 because no one sees the value in old yamaha's and hondo's.DHG man you have gotta understand that guitars don't sell for cheap anymore.I mean you can't expect someone who knows that their guitar is worth $1500 to sell it to you for $350.Ebay sometimes has good deals but the days of cheap guitars are over.I've been playing and collecting guitars for 9 years so trust me,GUITARS AREN'T CHEAP!!!!!!!! cheers, IbanezKid |
Username: Michaelkaufman
Registered: 11-2002
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 9:38 pm: | |
Kid - you've been collecting since you were 3 years old??? mk |
Username: Chucke99
Registered: 2-2007
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 10:20 pm: | |
Maybe he's the Tiger Woods of guitar collectors, MK. (Just kidding Kid.) |
Username: Snowjays
Registered: 9-2004
| Posted on Friday, June 22, 2007 - 11:21 pm: | |
DHC, like you I'm amazed at these prices, but for a different reason altogether. The main reason is location. Most of the members of this forum are in the US where prices are on the steady increase. Here down under, prices are high, but without the market, that 2% of guitar enthusiasts that Dave G refers to, translates to about half a dozen people in this city that are keen on Ibanez. This means that people selling are expecting the higher US prices, but the market isn't here on a lot of the less desireable models. How this affects us, is that we see plenty of great guitars being sold on Ebay to international sellers, but we also see plenty of high priced wall hangers in our local guitars shops. Hey Kid, you been quite for the last couple of days... you benn grounded or somethin'. |
Username: Guitarwhisperer
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 12:53 am: | |
Hey DHG, do you still have your Scruggs? If so I'd like to buy it from you. I'll give you $350 for it!(Seriously, if you still have it I'll buy it from you. I have to save up some money first. I've purchased 4 Ibanezes in the past month.) |
Username: Davehowardcustom
Registered: 10-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 2:05 am: | |
Sorry, guitar whisperer: That's why I get sick sometimes about all this: I bought that Scruggs (didn't know W.T.F. it was at that time) new in '78. I owned & loved it for over 20 years, then fell on hard times, (before everybody discovered that these were great guitars). A very good freind bought it from me, to help me out; with the promise that "If he ever sold it, I got first dibbs.....". (Love ya Scotty K), was a true friend, and when he decided to cut it loose, he called me. I was in the middle of a wife, a kid, 1-on-the-way, and building a new house.... No cash for toys, (SUCKED TO BE ME). I went to a guy (who I thought was cool), and told him about this guitar.He had money to burn. I said, "I want this guitar back because of sebtimental reasons, but don't have the cash right now......" So, he paid my buddy like $500 for it, and I told him that I would re-emburse him in a few weeks & get it back. (I just didn't want it to "leave the family," and was trying to buy some time). After I found original parts to restore it to the way it was when I bought it, this guy goes.... "I changed my mind. I think I'll keep it." Then he sells it on E Bay & gets 2 grand for it!!! (nice guy: thanks Pal, if you read this). I even tried to help clear up discrepencies in his b #$%@S auction. Hence, my attitude about people who have more money than heart, (or loyalty to friends & musicians). I would've NEVER thought of re-selling that guitar (if I could've got it back) for profit!!! I just remember it in pictures, on my first girlfriend's canopy bed, at my first garage band gigs, & thinkin'..... "Man, I wish I had that one back....... to have & to hold." It wasn't about what it could get on E Bay. It was about, "Jesus, this was a cool guitar & I wish I had it back......" Good luck in your quest. The one I'm REALLY REGRETING LOSING WAS AN 80'S DT400 Destroyer. It was the sweetest guitar I ever owned, and I }would love to have one just like it again. Maybe someday, I'll hit a Casino jackpot here in Alabama big time, & re-claim some of those guitars from long gone history. "Keepin' the faith," DHC |
Username: Sixvsix
Registered: 3-2002
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 6:00 am: | |
Collecting since he was 3 six |
Username: Ibanezkid
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 8:26 am: | |
Snowjays, I was on a school trip. |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 10:13 am: | |
Hey Kid... I remember when I was 12... I had 8 jobs and 47 Ibanezes... how many you got (jobs that is?) Make sure they're at least paying you minimum wage to support your Ibanez purchasing power. Or... do you manage this on your allowance? If I remember correctly, at age 12 my allowance was my Dad stating "Bob take the garbage out or... my foot's going through your guitar." That was about it. I did get my first electric (Sears) at age 5. And... Jimi Hendrix used to be my idol... then, Strings (ICW member) became my idol but... now it's you. You are my idol. If you are 12 and have such good taste in guitars, I admire you greatly. P.S. - what car do you drive? Ferrari Testarosa? A red one I'll bet. best of luck to you, you're already on the right path in life. |
Username: Michaelkaufman
Registered: 11-2002
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 10:26 am: | |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 11:10 am: | |
This axe is listed at $2500 now. A 50% reduction. Ahhhhhhhhhhh.... the power of ICW! |
Username: Ibanezkid
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 11:13 am: | |
Bobzilla, I had to sell some great guitars to buy the ones i got now plus i don't play sports so i don't have to buy sports gear.My parents used to say it was cheaper than sports but they are wrong! Anyway i do love guitars but I sold a bunch of other ones to get them.MK, are you still not beliveing me! |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 11:17 am: | |
Kid... will you adopt me? What would my allowance be? And ... I've done that too (sold some to get others.) |
Username: Ibanezkid
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 11:23 am: | |
Bobzilla,here's a tip.Buy Yamaha guitars,the Studio Lord is just as good as any Ibanez LP and the Superroller is just as good as a challenger. |
Username: Ibanezkid
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 11:24 am: | |
But i'm only saying this as a tip.Remember that Ibanez is almighty. |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 2:43 pm: | |
Yes, I will remember that. |
Username: Ibanezkid
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 2:49 pm: | |
Bobzilla, how's the scruggs?? |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 3:42 pm: | |
It's fine and dandy Kid. Check that Scruggs thread, I think I posted there earlier today. I am at my girls house, I brought the beast with me because... I didn't want to be away from it. It's turned out real nice. I don't wanna hijack this thread though. |
Username: Cleversj
Registered: 11-2006
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 7:12 pm: | |
Destroyer is down to 1500 today. If nobody bids on it, then they might drop it to 750 tomorrow. I received pictures from the seller and they show some weird things. Is this in fact a prototype guitar? |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 8:16 pm: | |
Man, I wonder how they feel about their original asking price. Seems like at this point if someone makes them a solid offer, they'll take it. I just noticed the zero feedback by the way, Where does the prototype issue come into this? very non-descriptive description of the item. }This could be trouble, this auction. |
Username: Jchester
Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 1:34 am: | |
DHC... I can relate to your "Man, I wish I had that one back." feelings. I originally came here looking for a 2451nt (L6-S copy), like the one my ex made me sell in a 'pre-baby panic'. It didn't take me long to have an ICW member offer me one, at a very good price. Then I fell in lust with the 'German carved' Artists. Again, I found one here. Parts... same deal. My point... FleaBay is insane. If you really want something, do a little fishing around here... where hearts often overrule wallets. JC |
Chazmo Username: Chazmo
Registered: 3-2007
| Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 9:49 am: | |
Looks like it was either relisted or the start bid was changed (to $1500). Ebay Item #170124479679 |
Username: Peterdryan
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 1:31 pm: | |
Cleversj - is there any way you could post the images you got from the seller? What kind of weird things did you see? Thanks. |
Username: Peterdryan
Registered: 6-2007
| Posted on Sunday, June 24, 2007 - 8:49 pm: | |
I got the images from the seller. I want to say this is a 75. There's no serial # engraved on the back of the headstock. There is a serious crack on the back and side of the neck where it joins the body. There's definitely laquer problems but I can't tell if the crack runs into the wood or not. It's a straight line across right near the strap button. I think the pups have been replaced. The pup covers are smooth and have some sort of butterfly emblem engraved on both of them. Hardware looks about like you'd expect: pitted with some of the screws rusted. Chips in the laquer here and there. Top hat control knobs. Did not get images of the fingerboard or front side of the headstock. As bad as I want a Destroyer again, I think I'm going to pass on this one. |
Username: Bondscoll
Registered: 4-2006
| Posted on Monday, June 25, 2007 - 8:31 am: | |
Guys, There are still deals to be had on Ibanez guitars. They just aren't as easy to find as they used to be. Ebay is a worldwide marketplace and can yield world class prices. Still we've all seen guitars slip under the radar and sell cheap. I scour classifieds, music stores and pawn shops. Occasionally I come up with a cool axe for a reasonable price. Do I need another guitar? Not. Sometimes I buy a lot of several guitars, amps etc. I'll resell most of it just to obtain 1 piece. This forum a place to boast about our latest cool guitar, research them and help each other out with knowledge and or resources. The prices are what they are. If we think prices are too high then we don't have to buy them. My 2 cents ... Rick |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Monday, June 25, 2007 - 1:23 pm: | |
I've said this several times before but.... it's ICW vs. ICW that's driving up these Ibanezes. Nothing you can do.... nature of the beast. |
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