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Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - 9:19 pm: | |
Hello, all. New guy here. I've had this guitar since I purchased it new in 1979 and was hoping to learn more about it from the group. I'm thinking of selling it, and wanted to get a fair idea what it might be worth. Thanks in advance for your comments! Bob
Username: Johns
Registered: 02-2001
| Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 11:21 am: | |
Rbazzini: Is the second number in the serial number an "8"? Then it was manufactured in Nov. '78. These are very collectible. And if the black finish is factory original then it would be extremely rare. Did you buy this in the US? We'd all like to see more pictures, if you can upload them. |
Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 1:32 pm: | |
Yes, the black finish is factory original. Here are some more pictures:
Thanks for the feedback! |
Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 1:42 pm: | |
Oh, and yes, that is an "8" in the serial number: "K785007". Bob |
Username: Dave_g
Registered: 01-2002
| Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - 8:45 pm: | |
WOW thats a very nice geeetar.... |
Username: Tim_gueguen
Registered: 01-2003
| Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2005 - 7:00 pm: | |
I didn't realise those came in solid colours during that period. I knew the late issue Musicians did. I can't help but wonder if the wood wasn't up to snuff lookswise, hence the solid colour. |
Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, September 06, 2006 - 8:19 pm: | |
Bump I've seen a few MC500's pop up on eBay, but never one with an original black finish like mine. It's got me thinking that I'm being selfish keeping it in the case and not playing it (my main stage guitar is a Heritage 535)... Any ideas on what I should be asking for this fine guitar? |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006 - 8:01 am: | |
If you decide to let it go, hopefully you'd allow us first crack at it. |
Username: Fompsweeva
Registered: 01-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006 - 6:00 pm: | |
That's awesome... the hardware looks amazing. |
Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006 - 9:56 pm: | |
Thanks, guys. I would really like to see this guitar go to someone who would appreciate it and give me a fair price that represents it's value. Fompsweeva - the gilbrater bridge and cloud tail piece are NOS. I have the originals in the case, which are rather beat up. This guitar was played quite a bit, but very well taken care of (only has one ding on the front below the bass eq knob). The electronics are a little noisy when you spin the volume control on the active eq, but I'm sure a couple of sprays of a good electronic cleaner will fix that up. I even still have the key for the case and the key for the tuners (to adjust the tension). |
Username: Johns
Registered: 02-2001
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 10:12 pm: | |
Here's a nice blonde MC500 on ebay: .dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D110030984624 item #: 110030984624 |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 7:54 am: | |
It's at $500 with 10hrs. to go. THIS IS A STEAL AT THIS PRICE!!! sOMEONE MAY BE IN LINE FOR A BARGAIN HERE. I'D GO DOUBLE THAT AT LEAST FOR THIS ONE. Looks in awesome shape. 104 made in '78 another couple hundred in '79 (I believe) and that's it. mc500nt. If I had some $$$ I'd jump on it, even though I just sold mine a short time ago to get the ar5000. |
Username: Fishnose
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 8:53 am: | |
Bob - I really, really wanted to bid on that one - but he refuses to ship outside of the US, so I'm buggered... pity, it's a beaut. :] Fish |
Username: Jeffm725
Registered: 06-2005
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 9:55 am: | |
Yeah, that's a beauty looks to be in wonderful shape.and I think we will see the snipers hit it hard at the end of the auction. There is another 78 NT up there right now as well. Although this one may be a 400, hard to tell about the carved top with the pics provided. You never see 2 NT's up at the same time which should give the advantage to the buyers because you could see a buyer saying "if I dont get this one, I'll go for the next one" and not bidding as high as they ordinarily might. Nice Axes! |
Username: Sweep
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 11:27 am: | |
Fish, I think you should look at the link John put up again. As I read it they are a 3rd party selling service and WILL send outside US. But only by DHL. One of the questions raises this point. Good luck, Sweep |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 12:12 pm: | |
Fish, if it turns out you are correct about ship issues, if you have an associate here in the states, maybe they can help you out as a middleman. These are hard to come by and I'd recommend putting forth some effort to obtain it despite obstacles. Verification of mc400/mc500 should be easy, ask seller about the top. (I want mine back!!) Or that black one Obsidian has, But I really lean to the NT. |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 12:14 pm: | |
It's Rbazzini's black one... not Obsidian. Up top here. Very nice. |
Username: Yogi
Registered: 04-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 12:38 pm: | |
The body of that Musician NT has a maple core so it is definitely a MC500, a MC400 would have a mahogany core. Juergen |
Username: Jeffm725
Registered: 06-2005
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 2:37 pm: | |
yogi, you are referencing this one right? That is the one I question, the original that John linked is absolutely a 500 Here is the "other one" definitely not the creampuff john posted but sweet nonetheless .dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D320027072857 |
Username: Yogi
Registered: 04-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 2:51 pm: | |
Jeff, the one from your link is a MC400 for sure. Juergen |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 3:21 pm: | |
Rhazzini.... still have the black one? |
Username: Agr
Registered: 10-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 6:21 pm: | |
Winning Bid = $2182.00. |
Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 04-2005
| Posted on Saturday, September 16, 2006 - 3:01 pm: | |
Wow, eBay prices are pretty impressive for a MC500 these days. Yes, I still have the black MC500 pictured above and am seriously thinking of selling. I'm trying to determine a fair price, so feel free to make an offer privately via email. |
Username: Ericibanez
Registered: 09-2003
| Posted on Saturday, September 16, 2006 - 9:34 pm: | |
Someone was reading "Vintage Guitar" magazine which had an article on the MCs. 2K for an MC 500 is just silly! Simply better guitars out ther for that type of money. Might be a good time to unlaod any MC 500s because according to the bid history there is at least one other person who is willing to shell out 2 grand for "a piece of history". PT Barnum will be listing his on eBay ASAP! |
Username: Strings
Registered: 01-2005
| Posted on Saturday, September 16, 2006 - 11:50 pm: | |
E-Ibanez...such as? |
Username: Roadartstar
Registered: 08-2004
| Posted on Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 11:48 pm: | |
this frank ebayer is single handedly driving the prices up on all vintage ibanezes no offense meant just an observation |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Monday, September 18, 2006 - 8:01 am: | |
Wasn't there a thread on "bidding on ebay" ? (That's a joke guys... relax!) |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Monday, September 18, 2006 - 8:45 am: | |
Bob didn't that thread make the Guiness book of records for the longest thread? |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Monday, September 18, 2006 - 12:05 pm: | |
Freak... if not the longest, certainly the "most dreaded." Without getting back into it, I think my point of view on it is proven out over and over again. It's actually getting worse. Still... nice to see these fine axes commanding the money they are now, even if it's not TOTALLY necessary. To me, compare these fine old Ibanezes to anything.... new or old... and the Ibanez is worth every penny. I told you, we sat down w/ a 1960 reissue LP and my ar5000, same settings on same amp and it was EMBARRASSING for the LP. |
Username: Roadartstar
Registered: 08-2004
| Posted on Monday, September 18, 2006 - 2:36 pm: | |
True I have one of these mc500nt's same as bobs old one as well in pristine shape which is why i found this auction mindblowing as i paid less than half what that last bid was for the same instrument. again i didnt mean any harm or anything i wish i could bid that high LOL even at these prices i cant sell in that i wouldnt be happy with anything else new etc. bob hope that ar5000 is treating you right! |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Monday, September 18, 2006 - 3:55 pm: | |
Road... you know what, I always considered the mc500 to be the most "fun" of the Ibanezes I had. Just a neat axe and pretty flashy too. Great neck and nice on the eye as well. You are correct that you could never get anything comparable for the money. I got a decent deal on mine as well. The ar5000... I've owned it for a little while now and I still can't even believe I own it. It WAILS and I polished it up last night with "Dr. Ducks" guitar polish. If you've never tried it, track it down, get it. Does your whole axe including strings and hardware and it's amazing. Be careful, one drop does whole axe and little bottle lasts for yrs. I think GC carries it. Try the DR black beauty strings as well. I have them on the ar5000. Not bad. I go through strings alot, they are a bit more expensive but they last longer and look cool too. I try to figure which guitar I would rather have than the ar5000 and the answer is NONE. I don't know what could compete with it as an all-around guitar. |
Username: Rbazzini
Registered: 4-2005
| Posted on Thursday, March 01, 2007 - 7:12 pm: | |
Guitar is for sale. See classifieds. /393.html?1172793887 |