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Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 - 1:09 am: | |
I purchased this today from Craigslist as an investment because the price was right.
Email me at home: or at work or call me at 612-384-6721 if interested. Comes with original case and tremalo. |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 - 9:04 am: | |
Just as an update. There are two small "dings" on the guitar. The first is located at the bottom of the lower horn near the neck pickup. You can kind of see it in the close up of the body and pups. The other is a very small nick in the upper part of the headstock. It looks as if a rubber cover for the 3 way selector is also missing. The Tremelo works very well and both the volume and tone knobs seem to work great. Personally I think this guitar is in very good condition with the exception of the two small dings. Go ahead, make me an offer. I am pretty sure I have a good idea what it is worth but I am willing to accept a little less than that. It comes with the OHSC, tremelo bar and an extra "new" spring for the tremelo bridge. |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 9:15 am: | |
I am going to put the Maxxas on Ebay in about a week or two with a BIN of $1500.00. Any ICW member can have her before I list for $1250.00 plus shipping. Email and phone are listed above. |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 7:56 pm: | |
Bump... I am starting to like this guitar. If someone doesn't buy it, it likely will not end up on Ebay! My daughter who just started lessons is threating to kill me if I do. I am starting to agree with her. <grin> It is pretty sweet. |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 11:40 am: | |
Man, you had a real bargain with this guitar. If your daughter is in love with it: you won't find another guitar of this quality level for this price. Back in 1988, the MAXXAS was 485.- MORE expensive than the Fender American Standard Stratocaster (1710.-). You have a classic for the price of a cheap modern Chinese product and in the original case. It is a good investment, also as an instrument! BTW: Buy her a very good strap! One that's strong and doesn't hurt her shoulder: a wide one. Because when it hurts, she could loose her motivation. Perhaps one of these eleastomere ones with those backpack clips and GENUINE LEATHER ENDS. I'll look one up to show you... Ginger |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 2:00 pm: | |
Thanks Ginger... Great advice on the strap. She is not very big. Nice thing about the Maxxas over even my acoustic guitars is how small the body is and because it is hollowed out, how light it is. I do have a wide leather strap she could use but for now she has been sitting in my "Soundseat Wide As*" (That is the real name for it!)guitar chair in my music room. I would love to see what you mean by "backpack clips". I look forward to seeing the pix. |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 7:06 pm: | |
"Backpack clips" are these plastic clips you find on backpacks: On big one to close the belt, and several small ones to close compartments. I have a few of these straps from the time I played bass. I mostly got them with a second hand bass. The first one with my Ibanez RB630 actually. I believe the material is called neoprene. But after a while they appeared with different brands, and THEN they appeared under some A brand and became as expensive as Stephy straps. And now I have a problem finding them. The old brands are bad keywords now. I guess I have to go looking in shops to see who owns the patents or at least has a production license. Then I know what to google for. It's the same with sauce recipes: they are sold from Calvι to Heinz, from Heinz to next firm and with each transaction the prices go up and the bottles get smaller. Anyway, these straps are built up like this: boths ends are genuine leather which is attached to a plastic clip, then between these ends there is an elastic middle part of neoprene with opposite clips (it's a mommy-daddy system). You can leave the ends on the guitar, when you put it in the case and put the middle part in the strap and trem compartment. Ginger |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 - 8:02 pm: | |
Are they available in the US and if so, under what brand name? Sounds like a nice system, but I don't think I have every seen anything like that. Paul |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Saturday, August 18, 2007 - 5:00 am: | |
I remember that one of mine was labeled MARINA, which is a cheap guitar brand. And I believe that Frerink was involved. He used to sell straps under the name Frinck with Fender typography (that reversed 7 for an F). If you do that, you know that sooner or later you are going to get troubles (just look at Vester). I would have to inspect all my cases to know what brands the other ones are. I believe I have 1 green and 2 black ones. When I see one second hand I buy it, because they got more expensive and they feel nice. Ginger |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Saturday, August 18, 2007 - 5:34 am: | |
Here is a description of a neoprene strap without these plastic backpack clips. I saw Fender asks 53.- retail. Which is way too much IMO. We used to pay 25-38 in the early nineties which would be about 11.50-17.50 . But Fender bought d'Andrea, which sold all kinds of accessories also under private label. So I guess that could be the reason I don't see those other brands with neoprene belts any more. For 53.- you can almost buy two Stephi straps of the best soft leather! We are talking sythetics here! I'd say 22.95 max! More would be a rip-off IMO. Ginger |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Monday, August 20, 2007 - 9:36 am: | |
As always Ginger.... Thanks for your advice. I went to Guitar Center and found a nice wide soft strap with "back-pack" clips. My daughter actually picked up the Maxxas and started to practice! She worked on chords for over an hour this weekend! I am stating here and now, this guitar is officially "off the market" (at least for now). She loves it and I have to admit, after cleaning the fretboard with 0000 steel wool, putting a little boiled linseed oil on the rosewood and installing some new 9's, this guitar cleaned up great. I probably put several hours into playing her over the weekend as well. Even though I have a brand new Taylor T5 to play with, this one is stealing my heart. (Must be the bright red color)I am going to name her "Lust" to go with my two Taylor's "Pride" & "Joy". All my guitars bring out different emotions and Lust just seems to be what I have for this one! |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 5-2006
| Posted on Monday, August 20, 2007 - 9:24 pm: | |
Ah... linseed oil, that's what that guy in the Fender Frontline mentioned as a fretboard oil. My dad used to have a bottle of it in the 70's. I haven't seen it for ages. But it worked for outside toys. Good protection, feeds the wood. Some say that it might be sticky. But the guy in Frontline... a "native-American" looking like Bobby Sixkiller, I believe he was SRV's guitar tech... advised it for unfinished rosewood ebony and pau ferro. Ginger |
Username: Talajuha
Registered: 11-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - 6:46 am: | |
Be carefull if you use boiled linseed oil. It or actually used rags are fire hazard. Cold pressed linseed oil is good both for guitar and player. Juha |
Username: Lofapco
Registered: 7-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 - 8:43 am: | |
I understand that it has to be "boiled" linseed oil. It comes that way. Just a very little bit on an old t-shirt type rag was all I needed. I wiped down the fretboard with a dry t-shirt rage and let it stand for several hours. There is no "sticky" feeling and it really brings out the colors of the rosewood. I am going to do my acoustic guitar next since this worked so well. Juha.... Thanks for the wikipedia info... I had washed the rags out well and threw them out. But I didn't know about the "spontanious combustion" part of it! I will be very careful with the rags. |