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Username: Holmis63
Registered: 03-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 11:39 am: | |
Hi ICW:s! I donīt understand, why is the AR300 the only Artist model from Ibanez nowadays. Itīs a mysterium to me! They could build any of the legendary AR models and find a market for those, no doubt. Any ideas? Holmis63 |
Username: Bobzilla
Registered: 02-2005
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 11:52 am: | |
I wonder why Ibanez stopped making alot of the Artist models in the first place. It's like.... if it ain't broke, don't fix it. They were making awesome guitars. Why stop? It's like if Gibson should stop making Les Paul's all of a sudden. It wouldn't/doesn't seem to make sense. And... not that I agree with your assessment anyway Holmis... there are other Artist models out there. Seek and you shall find. And... in regard to the last bit... they have started to make some of the oldies again as well. They did the Cowboy, The Artwood Twin , Some Artist models... (ar5000 is next).... Is there a particular model you are interested in finding? If it exists, you can probably find it here with a few inquiries. |
Username: Mr_roadstar
Registered: 06-2002
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 4:07 pm: | |
Simple economics. Artist models are very hard to sell. I think we sold 3 in the 15 months I worked for Portland Music. And I showed them a LOT !! The Bear |
Username: Snowjays
Registered: 09-2004
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 10:12 pm: | |
When was the last time a big name muso endorsed the Artist? |
Username: Dave_g
Registered: 01-2002
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 10:32 pm: | |
"They did the Cowboy, The Artwood Twin , Some Artist models... (ar5000 is next)". Hey Bob, you know something about the 2007 ? |
Username: Johns
Registered: 02-2001
| Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006 - 10:52 pm: | |
Yeah Bob,what did you hear? Or is that wishful thinking?  |
Username: Holmis63
Registered: 03-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 7:17 am: | |
Hi Bobzilla! No, iīm not seeking any particular model, iīve got two AR:s and a Bob Weir and is satisfied for the moment. But i think itīs a pitty that the young guitarists donīt have the opportunity to chose the best two humbucker guitar that ever was build!!! Thatīs my opinion! Holmis63 |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 8:30 am: | |
As mr Roadstar says: selling 3 guitars in 15 months is not enough to keep the pot boiling if you've got a shop to run. I don't know if it's the best. I never had it in my hands. Most shops buy Gibsons and PRS for the high end market. It would be nice if I could compare the Ibanez AR5000 and the Gibson Les Paul Standard DC, but the first one never came on my path. What I saw on pictures of Fox's and Bob's AR5000s(ex Dave_g) is that the electronics are more complicated, and the DC excels in simplicity (one mastertone and one mastervolume). Most PRS guitars are like the DC or somewhere in between. I'm sure the AR5000 can produce more different sounds. I would be nice to hear them. Is there a demo recording available on the web? Can any of the (ex-) owners explicate the potmeter layout of the AR5000? Then I have a surprise for Holmis63: The AR300 is NOT the only AR available nowadays. If you want something new and better (high end) there's the AR3000 Prestige. Its picture is on page 2 of the Ibanez Prestige catalogue. But I doubt that young guitarist have the money to buy it. Offering doesn't automatically give them a choice. In Holland most DCs have been stolen right out of the shops. There are gangs specialized on stealing new DCs. So shop owners think twice before they buy these instruments, they'd rather drive you to the distributor and earn the commission without taking risks. The AR3000 is NOT on the normal pricelist in Holland, but perhaps it is possible to try it at the distributor's (100% Hoshino). For Sweden I don't know, I've never been further north than Denmark. You could call them if you're interested. Kind greetz, Ginger |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 8:55 am: | |
Ginger the newer AR3000 is not in production anymore and is a rare bird in this neck of the woods. What year is the catalog you are refering to? |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 8:59 am: | |
If you do a web search it turns up for sale in places but is not in stock because it was offered in 2004 only. |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 9:22 am: | |
Freak, you're right. It was printed March 2004, but I picked it up at the dealer more recently. Must have been remnant. Is it out of production? Sh.. Ginger |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 10:05 am: | |
Yes it's a shame because its a great guitar. I have one myself! |
Username: Guitartim
Registered: 04-2001
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 11:06 am: | |
Has Bobzilla spilled the beans about the 2007 Hoshino 'surprise'...?? In previous posts in another thread, he specifically stated that he did NOT want to see a reissued AR5000 for some reason. |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 11:35 am: | |
I don't think so! |
Username: Gemberbier
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 4:07 pm: | |
I called the Dutch distributor this afternoon, and there are no AR3000 guitars in stock anymore. They gave me their last Dutch listprice: 2549.= That's higher than the list price I found in Germany (2330.=) and the difference is more than the VAT difference. I the year 2000 the AR2000 (with a Quick Change II) was priced 4895.= That's about 2221.= And in 2004 the AR3000 (with Quick Change tailpiece and cloud) was 2549.= The listprice in the USA was then $1999.= That's 1574.= And now the question: Why was there a price difference of 975.= ? (The Euro was $1.22 then!) Ginger |
Username: Guitartim
Registered: 04-2001
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 6:53 pm: | |
Looks like at least one UK dealer still has an AR3000. I checked last month and it was still in stock...pity the Pound-to-Dollar exchange rate is so unfavorable. ts_id=207 |
Username: Fox
Registered: 02-2003
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 9:33 pm: | |
Ginger, you are right about the tonal versatility of AR5000 (and as well the AR500, they share quite the same electronics) compared to G* LP Std DC.. But they are two different guitars, anyway. I have played both.. The Doublecut G has 24 frets, the electronics are as straightforward as can be plus it is quite lightweight due the hollowed out body. What comes to the controls of AR 5000 & AR 500 they are: Upper row, bigger knobs from front to back Master volume Master tone Preamp boost & cut, notched pot, so the center is zero Lower row, small knobs are 3-band EQ that provides 15 dB boost or cut in Treble Middle and Bass frequencies, also notched potentiometers, middle (notch) position is zero boost/cut Microswitches are of course the famous tri-sounds for each pickup, the one switch by the LED is active circuit on-off. So as you can figure, the sound palette is very broad, you can eg. select bridge PU series-mode, the neck PU in singlecoil-mode and adjust the EQ for extreme treble-boost, middle zero, bass cut and give full boost from preamp..tone treblyish.. Should "clear your ears"..  |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 10:22 pm: | |
Tim, how do you go about finding out if it's still in stock? |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006 - 10:27 pm: | |
About the active eq, you can get a rack mountable parametric eq and get a lot of sounds from any guitar. Still its not as good as having the controls at your fingertips |
Username: Guitartim
Registered: 04-2001
| Posted on Saturday, September 16, 2006 - 2:10 am: | |
Freaky~ I sent an email to 'The Ibanez Store' last month on a lark and confirmed at least one AR3000 was in stock. I did not ask if it was n.o.s., but it was represented as 'new'. They were willing to ship to me in the US...but the exchange rate plus shipping was prohibitive. I posted their link here shortly thereafter in case someone in the UK or Europe might be interested. |
Username: Ibanezfreak1960
Registered: 03-2004
| Posted on Saturday, September 16, 2006 - 10:14 am: | |
It must be high to ship here. I know I recomended the Ibanez store to somone who wanted to by mine and Orvals. I think I told him if he wanted mine $2000.00 would motivate me but he backed off. He also said the Ibanez store was too high priced and he would probably end up with a new LP. OH well! |
Username: Holmis63
Registered: 03-2006
| Posted on Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 10:40 am: | |
Hi again ICW:s! Home from work all weekend. You all confirm my disapointment about the lack of AR models, wonder if anyone in the Ibanez company read all this and take impression. If so, we have done the world a litle bit better! But i donīt think so iīm afraid. Holmis63 |