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| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
KoRn has a kool name and kool guitars but could use a little more practice on guitar. David Silveria couldnt get any better. He's a good drummer. They dont suck, But they arent the greatest. ... Limp Bizkit sucks |
Kyle Kruszewski
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Oh man, this thread is just asking for trouble. . . |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
This topic is a tricky one. I feel that, for what they do, Munky and Head are good guitarists. They are not in the same league as Vai but they do get the head bobbin'!!! To me, music is good if I can feel it in my gut. It's gotta hit me hard there and Korn's infectious grooves hit me hard. About practice, they are good at what they do, which is laying down good grooves.. Silveria is a good drummer and Fieldy is a good bass player. I feel they are chastized for not playing solos, which is crap!! Their solo's are the middle breaks where they lay down a good grove and roll with it. Just cuz they can't play a thousand notes per second doesn't mean they are not good guitarists... |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
korn or just plain sucks?...humm reading the other threads about korn...tells me that alot of you like them but there are the few that despise them. i sort of fall in this catagory because i think that david the drummer is great..he has good beats and he is talented but be honest...he could be in a better band...where his talents could be put to better use. now im use to bands like Cynic and Death i mean look at thier drummers........ Gene Hoglan is the Human drum machine..and thier guitarists are amazing...but not because they solo because they can write a song... to me korn just slap things togeather and thier playing is kinda bad i mean when you write a song that you cant play live because of the way you wrote the riffs and doubled them so many times in the you cant play this song live...the pretty pathetic ....any "good" guitarist....not by my standards by the the standards of GIT or MIT could play anythign they write live now i know you people like the groove of korn but that doesn nothing for me... im more into music that has feeling through technicality now these are the bands i listen too Cynic Death Monstrosity Al Di Meola Frank Gambale Carcass now i know you guys are gunna say that ..thats crap...well then you are being ignorant these bands have an unprecidented amount of talent...once again not by my GIT OR MIT considering all these people were first self taught then went to get thier schooling so in conclusion.....compared to the people who do have talent....korn does suck ass but thats my opinion.....ok now little kiddies that have been listening to music for about a month...come and blast me and my opinions...out of sheer know they will and want to ill get responses like "yo biznitch...korn is tha shiznit son...and they make millions of dollars...and korn is the shiznit YOU SUCK F%^K" ill get those imature lets see Cynic |
Kyle Kruszewski
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Cynic, that's cool; and understandable. Afterall, who enjoys seeing totally negative comments about their heroes? I feel like I see it from both sides. I used to be a total Dream Theater snob to the point where if it wasn't DT, it sucked. Well, I'm glad I've grown beyond that. I was rejecting so many musicians simply because they lacked the techinicality and background of Petrucci & co. When I look at a band such as Korn, I see true art. The sounds produced completely emphasize the sentiment of the lyrics. I think "Kill You" on Life is Peachy is a good example. It's a song about the rough relationship (Jon Davis & step mom) went through. Instead of covering just one simple emotion, the song runs the gamut! It eases in, gets mortally angry, and even becomes sad. The music thoroughly follows the mood of the lyrics and vocal expression; something which is not too common in popular music. Just as not everyone "understands" modern contempory visual art, not everyone will understand what Korn is about. I think most of the people that slam Korn are somewhat missing the point and are too swayed in opinion by the image of most of their fans [being immature teenage morons]. Afterall, if people like Vai and Toshi have good things to say about them, it must mean something. . . |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Never heard or seen Korn til I saw a video on MTV last night. The effects in the video were what caught my attention. It was an animation where a bullet breaks out of the animation and continues reeking havoc thru the real world. In between the content, they showed the band playing. I think their real talent is being able to jump up and down so much and still keep their fingers on the frets. I switched channels pretty quickly. The band and the music wasn't very interesting. I guess I'm an old fart and don't get it. But I don't think I'm missing anything. I can't say the same for the first time I heard Satriani, Vai or Zappa (that would be Frank, not Dweezel...although he's no slouch in the guitar department, either). |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
To compair Head and Munky to Via and Satriani is preposterious. They are completely different guitarists. Vai is more technical and Korn is more textural. Most people can't see Korn for the good things they do for the guitar. I believe those two young boys (and I can say that because I'm over 30!!) have don't more for the guitar in the last 5 years than anyone else has. If you don't believe me then look at all the Korn Klones!! Sure, they are not as "good" as Vai but then again, who is. But to dismiss them because you don't like the sound of their music is being extremely closed minded. |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Scott: To make comparisons is preposterious? I don't think so. They put themselves in the category of guitarists by picking up the instruments and making it their profession. They've invited any comparisons, criticisms or adulation. My statements show clearly that I know HOW different these guitarists are. I'm not deaf. I watch/listen to a lot of musicians who play styles I don't. I do this because I'm trying to be open minded and to learn new things. I said I switched the channel because I found the music and the stage act uninteresting. If they had anything new and interesting to show me, it was buried too deep under something which my senses found irritating. Why is that being closed minded? They're my senses and it's my opinion. Educate me, please. What are all these fabulous things that Head and Munky have done for the guitar in last 5 years? |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
John, They have turned the guitar into a more textural instrument instead of a technical one. I believe compairing Vai and Korn IS preposteroius because they are so different. It's like compairing the Duke Bluedevil basketball team to my Universitys basketball team, Drake. Sure they are both basketball teams but Drake is a non athletic scholarship program and Duke is not. Drake doesn't have the sucess that Duke does. Get my point? Adriene Belew is a textural guitarist but I don't know anyone else who plays like that. Head and Munky are not bound by the same restraints that most guitarist are and they have the creativity to come up with interesting alternitive tunings, something I'm not creative enough to do. I can't change your mind but I do think that they, throught their detuned, sluddgy riffs rejuvinated the Universe market. Without Korn, the Universe may possibly have been discontinued by now. And, if Korn wasn't around, do you think every guitar manufacturer would be marketing a 7 string? I don't think so. You might not like the sounds their making but you got to admit they have mad a BIG noise.... |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Another Point: I didn't like "Titanic", never have, never will. But to say that it offers nothing to cimema is being closed minded. So to say Korn has nothing to offer because it irratates you is, in my opnion, being closed minded. |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
John, I must apologise if I offended you. I didn't mean to, if I did. I just read my post to you and it did sound a little harsh, no harshness was intended. Scott |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
to say that his opinion is close minded is depriving or trying to deprive someone of the rites of freedom of thought that we are granted when we are conceived. by your rational scott, you say that "to dismiss them because you dont like their sound is being close minded"....well actually thats not being close minded...thats expressing tastes. so in turn what you are saying is that we have to like everything and if we dont we are being close minded. i dont like alot of things..korn being one of them not because of thier sound but because they as a band do nothing for me. and to say they have done more for the guitar than almost anybody in the last 5 years is pure Lunicy..if you can state what they have done for the guitar with point/proof and make me believe your statments to be true then i will understand...but they have in my opinion regressed the "guitar" its sort of the quantity not quality statement. they can push out album after album but is it good? my opinion it isnt its seems to me that any kid could pick up a guitar and play it and be like korn, but at the same time not every kid can pick up a guitar and be steve vai and that is proof by all the "clone" bands. how many guitarists out there try to emulate the sound of Vai? or even the style of Vai none...its impossable. if you want to hear Texture in music listen to Cynic or Frank Gambale and Chick Corea and the electric band they have texture i think korn are just trying to milk the muical industry and at the same time they make it popular and excepted to not have any sort of technical ability it seems they have ruined the prgress of guitar but that is my opinion someguy |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Scott: There are many guitarists who have very different musical styles: Vai & Clapton; Jeff Beck & Leo Koetke; George Benson & Steve Morse; Zappa & Chet Atkins; David Bromberg & Eddie Van Halen. Yet, you can make viable comparisons between them all as guitarists. (sorry if I spelled anybody's name wrong) Along the way these guys found things that nobody else had. Maybe they were: rhythyms, blazing leads, haunting melodies, fingering techniques or sometimes just a new combination of several old things. After all, there are only so many notes in a scale or on a fretboard. Did Jimmy Page invent the violin bow? Not hardly, but he sure found an interesting use for it (and it wasn't just banging on the guitar, although I bet he tried that, too. J) I'm pretty sure that I could do what heard and saw Korn doing. But I know for sure I couldn't hang with any of the guys I mentioned earlier. But again, this is just my opinion. If you're extolling Korn as the premiere example of what can be done with an extra string, then I guess I'll just stick to the 6 I've got. As far as taking offense, I didn't take any. I grown a thick on-line skin. But it does seem that flaming and verbally abusing others is an all too common experience in cyberspace. Having been on-line for over 10 years, my experience tells me it's because we take liberties with others feelings and expressions that we wouldn't if they were right in front of us. Close enough to punch us out for being rude or obnoxious. I've found that debates over opinions result in meaningful discourse, only when people attack ideas and not the people expressing them. Look back over this and the other Korn thread and see if you can spot where someone got defensive because he was called a name or labeled in a negative way. After that, meaningful dialog is absent. |
Kyle Kruszewski
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
I think everybody's brought up some pretty strong points. But since I seem to have tons of "thought money" on the subject, I think I'll throw in another two cents. . . I keep hearing a common attack toward Korn; it seems that a lot of people don't think Head and Munky are great ambassadors for the guitar. They're always getting slammed for not being "real" guitar players, etc. I can relate, because my own playing is really going in a completely different direction (I lock myself in my room everynight to fulfil a pretty rigorous practice regime). To tell you the truth, I don't really think of M & H as being "guitar players," at least not in the traditional sense. I see them as the types of people that approach the guitar as a means to produce sounds; nothing more. I've heard many say that it's easy to replicate what they play. Is it really? Sure, the low chunking power chords are pretty bone-headed, but what about everything else they play?! You know, all the stuff that doesn't sound overtly like a guitar! Just try to reproduce the sounds those guys are making! It's not impossible, but it's certainly not easy. In many ways I wish more players could have the Korn mentallity. They're not buring their heads in music study, they're just doing what feels right and being themselves. When somebody can stand and say, "this is who I am," man, I just have to respect that. |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
hey you think you could help me make a practice regimine? i need some help so i can start practicing 4 hours a day or more please help man RATMAN |
Kyle Kruszewski
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Hey, that's cool that you have the dedication to put in 4 hours a day! I'm proud of you. ;) But just as I'm sure you can imagine, nobody can just give you a regime to occupy all that time. I can however suggest this; read back to a thread called "Theory_vs_Feel?" in the "Cool Contemporary Electrics" group if you haven't already. We were discussing a lot of the things you may have questions about. Secondly, if you're really dedicated, find yourself a good teacher. I like to think of a teacher as more of guide than anything. Find somebody you appreciate as a musician, and more importanly, someone you truly respect and trust. It's amazing what one man's experience can do for us as "white belts." In addition to all the knowledge teachers have to offer, there's another very important thing they supply: motivation. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being unprepared for a lesson! But if you want to see how easy it is to fill up four hours, just read back to that thread I referenced above! I think as long as you're setting goals and have things in mind to improve upon, you'll be spending most of your life behind the guitar. :) I'm kind of curious. . . What are your musical goals? Do you want to make it your life's work? Do you have any previous commitments that make practice irregular (i.e. school, work, etc. . .)? Regardless of what your after, always try to keep in focus why you play guitar. If it ever becomes a chore for you to sit down a practice, don't be ashamed to back off a little. Always have fun with it! |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
You can flame me all you want. I stated my opnion and that's that.I've stated in previous posts what I feel sets them apart from other guitarist so if you want my opnion then read my previous posts, I believe I spell it out there very clearly. John: I haven't said anything to you here that I wouldn't say to your face. |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Scott: I said earlier that I didn't take offense at anything you've said to me. The rest of my post was not directed at you for anything you said. It was a general comment on what I've seen happen countless times. And evidence of it has been shown in several messages left on this board. It was food for thought, for all. (including myself) |
Scott Hacker
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
It's very simple if you like their music there cool, if you don't they suck, but as far as their musicianship they are poor at best. (I saw them live last year) They are just a bunch of rich kids with nice gear and good weed. |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
there ya go...thats what ive been tryin to say for a while now you hit the nail right on the Head ScottHacker also all you people that argued about ...the deal they made with ibanez and the fact that they destroyed thier guitars...and that fact brought ibanez business....well you might be right but....listen to this i talked with the head of the Ibanez custom shop and he told me that when they sat down with korn and said we'll sponsor you and make you custom RGs, we dont want to see them destroyed because we dont want our guitars having a bad image. just like in car racing games like (grantourismo, need for speed 3) you dont see the ferarris or vipers smashed do you think that those car companies would want customers to see thier cars represented by a heap of metal.....i think not.. you can argue with me all you want, but the proof is in the jello puddin pops so there ya have it fools didnt believe me but oh well..... Death |
mike reed
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
is korn a vegitable or fruit? c'mon kids, don't worry about someone elses music, spend more time on making your own. maybe someday someone will be discussing YOU in a forum like this. isn't that the reason you picked up a guitar in the first place? |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
Ah ha! Now there is a man who knows what he is on about. In my opinion anyone who even plays the guitar deserves credit for a start. So lets stop bitchin' about whos good and whos not, the fact is KoRn have made an impression, just like countless other bands. The thing which seperates bands like KoRn and Limp Bizkit from most of the others is that they use Ibanez guitars!! Now thats a good start. |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
korn rule and thats its ok |
John s.
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
No they dont and its not!! |
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
korn kicks ass and thats just it! They can play the guitar. Their music rocks and they haven't broken up. Those of you who think other wise can go suck your self, if you haven't already you need to get off maybe it'll make you think clear! Who cares if they're metal or not the point is they're an awesom band and always have been and always will be! If you like them you like them you have good taste in music. If you don't you're probably jelous but that's okay it's your problem not mine! seeya, puNk15 |
Gino Paisano
| Posted on Friday, October 08, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
No metal leads. No metal album covers. No metal clothes. (Homie/Preppy) Nope. Not metal. Why do they use guitars with Floyd's if they don't play leads? Why do they need 2 axists if they don't play solos? They suck. Period. Listen to real metal: Manowar, Maiden, Saint, 'tallica! |
| Posted on Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 5:07 pm: | |
'tallica ruled |
Steve (Gitfiddle1)
| Posted on Thursday, March 01, 2001 - 7:48 pm: | |
As with any other subject/topic, "good" and "bad" represent opinions, NOT FACTS! I'm glad to have such a variety of music available to listen to. I personally find nothing of value in what Korn is doing. However, my kid loves it. My folks couldn't deal with AC/DC when I was a teenager (Highway To Hell/Back In Black era). I'm still playing stuff from those albums. I frankly don't give a rip how "good" or technical a player is. If the music moves me, I like it. Don't get me wrong, I respect the hell out of any musicians talent/skill. However, talent and skill on an instrument don't guarantee good music. If you want to quantify the quality of a band's music, look at the width and breadth of their listeners. I'll bet there's damned little grey hair in the crowd at a Korn show! Steve |
Murray Geddes (Skybone)
| Posted on Saturday, March 03, 2001 - 4:29 am: | |
This one is asking for trouble. Personally I dont like Korn or bands of that ilk. Someone mentioned Carcass who were much more "extreme" in their day (and were Ibanez users funnily enough!). If you like 70's influenced rock, then check out "Firebird" Bill Steer's new band. Check out "Unida" too (their guitarist uses an Artist!). |
Srules (Srules)
| Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 10:26 pm: | |
Head and Munky said they got the idea for thier music by listening to old death metal and removing the fast stuff, sticking with the slow grooves. I'll give them kudos for that, because fast, fast, fast just sucks, sucks, SUCKS. If I wanted to listen to a blender on "puree'", I'd go to K-Mart and buy one! On the other hand, J. Davis is SUCH a whiny, "daddy beat me and locked me in a closet" geek, that I cannot take him seriously at all. And, where in the HELL does he get off thinking he should be allowed to write music for Lestat De Lioncourt? PALEEEZE! |
Srules (Srules)
| Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 10:28 pm: | |
And Limp Bizkit? Don't EVEN get me started! |
Foofan (Foofan)
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 12:42 pm: | |
Korn falls into the category of either love em or hate em.. i tolerate them. if you listen to more than 3 of their songs in a row its a little too much...Limp bizkit is just horrible nuff said! My fav bands are Queens of the stone age, Foo fighters, red hot chili peppers,thrice and chevelle and im loving the new probot (if your into metal).. Erik |
Mr_Roadstar (Mr_Roadstar)
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 1:02 pm: | |
Arrhhhgggg..... Dood, this thread was all but dead and you revived it! Gonna hafta take away your guitar for one week. Oh the irony! The band currently recording in my studio does super detuned (down to "B"), heavy, screamo, scratch and sample augmented, "metal". Although I would probably never BUY music of this genre, I do get a kick out of the energy and intensity these guys put into it. They are all very good musicians to boot. Cheers Steve |
Funkle (Funkle)
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 3:58 am: | |
Um... Is this a stray thread from the Harmony-Central forum? |
Boris (Boris)
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 1:14 pm: | |
Jimmie Crap Korn and i dont care |
Doc (Doc)
| Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 12:42 am: | |
Oh cut it out. Music is not for the minds rationale, to argue the merits of it based on technique alone is like arguing whether chocolate is better than hazlenut. |
Foofan (Foofan)
| Posted on Wednesday, May 19, 2004 - 9:39 pm: | |
Thats right.. we all know full well hazelnut is the best... ;) |
Johns (Johns)
| Posted on Thursday, May 20, 2004 - 9:21 am: | |
I think Cadbury mixes the two! |
Doc (Doc)
| Posted on Friday, May 21, 2004 - 12:44 am: | |
Yeah but Cadbury don't make guitars. B] |
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