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Techiewannabe (Techiewannabe)
| Posted on Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 7:11 pm: | |
all i know is that ibanez ex series korea is written on the headstock, the silver plate on the back has the number 9103353. has dark blueish-almost purple body with two humbuckers and a single coil......a volume knob and what i assume is a tone knob though is sounds like no tone adjustment i've ever heard (sounds almost like opening a wah pedal). 22 frets, that's all i know. only paid 50 bucks for it in decent condition at the local mister money though the trem system looks like crap. any help is appreciated. |
Johns (Johns)
| Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 11:28 am: | |
Techie: The number would indicate a 1991 manufacture date. I don't have a '91 catalog. I do have a '93 that shows the EX models. But I'm not sure how relevant the info would be. If you haven't already, check out these message threads for more info: Cool Contemporary Electrics: RX and EX series guitars Cool Contemporary Electrics: Ibanez Guitar identification Cool Contemporary Electrics: Need More Info on my EX |
Techiewannabe (Techiewannabe)
| Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 11:47 am: | |
thanks for the much did the ex's price at in '93? are they just a lower model like today's gio's? |
Mr_Roadstar (Mr_Roadstar)
| Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 12:01 pm: | |
Techie, The EX Series replaced the lower RG Series models for a few years. I don't have my catalogs here with me, but I'll research your ax tonight. $50 is a damned good deal even if it has some issues. Cheers Steve |
Techiewannabe (Techiewannabe)
| Posted on Thursday, March 20, 2003 - 12:18 pm: | |
thanks road, i appreciate it and i'll be checking back for the info. Also, i'm thinking of replacing the bridge system seeing as how the chrome was peeling but one of the bolts is at a funny angle.....should i just use the wooden dowel technique to straighten it out or is there a reason for it to be like that? |
Techiewannabe (Techiewannabe)
| Posted on Sunday, March 23, 2003 - 5:01 pm: | |
c'mon road. don't leave me hangin |
Mr_Roadstar (Mr_Roadstar)
| Posted on Monday, March 24, 2003 - 11:24 pm: | |
Okay, I'm back. First mention of the EX Series is in the '89 catalog. 4 models, EX120, 140, 350 & 360. Same for 1990. 1991 adds 2 models, EX365 & 370. The hum/sing/hum setup could be one of three models: EX170, 350, or 370. 170 has no pickguard and dot inlays. 350 has a pickguard and triangle inlays. 370, no pickguard, triangle inlays. All used basswood bodies, maple necks, and rosewood fretboards w/22 frets. No info is given on the pickups. Trem is either a "traditional" 2 point, or the Floyd Rode licensed TRS. The EX Series was expanded for '92 and '93. Then discontinued when the RX Series was introduced in '94. Funny, the EX Series basses (EXB) lasted longer than the guitars ('95). Oh yeah, sounds like one of your trem posts has wallered out the hole. Dowel plug and redrill is the best fix. Cheers Steve |
Techiewannabe (Techiewannabe)
| Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 - 12:42 pm: | |
thanks a lot road. sounds like it's the 170 as it has no pickgaurd and the dot inlays. Wish i knew more about the pickups as i love the sounds i can get out of them. Excellent clean sounds though the distortion could use some work, thinking of maybe changing one out for a dimarzio super distort... i suppose there's no mention of price in the catalog? if not no big deal. Thanks again for all your help |
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